Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Impressions

We have spent a couple of days in India now and have had quite a few first impressions. Our apartment is taking awhile to set up, so we are shifting between hotels and John's apartment (he is the man who helped us set up a lot of our India connections, he is the father of one of Anne's friends).

Some favorite first impressions:

-Traffic is like Tetris. They fit the as many vechiles as possible in a small amount of space, fitting larger and smaller cars so it is jammed packed. They then weave and speed amongst each other with ease.

-The smells are the most noticable thing to me (sara). They are intense. Humidity, food, plants, animals, fumes. everything hits my nose with a bang. Every time I walk out of a building I'm reminded through my nose that I am in India.

-The food is delicious. We don't always know what we are eating, but it has been fantastic. I'm hoping to make friends with great cooks and learn from them.

-Bargaining is not my forte, but Andrew loves it. Until recently we've been bargaining for prices with autoricksaws, until we realized we can have them put the meter on and interprete it that way. They seem to hate when we suggest that because that means they can't rip us off anymore. what a shame.

-Dogs are everywhere. Stray dogs that look very similar to each other (seem to be one or two breeds) wander and sleep on the streets. There are at least ten per street. It's crazy.

-Cows roam. We've seen a couple cows, some in herds and some by themselves. It's so weird to see them in such busy cities.

-People walk on the street. Which seems so weird to me because the streets are so crazy, but we try to fit in.

Alright that's all for now, more later.
We're loving the new and loving being with each other.

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