Saturday, November 28, 2009

Library Mural

Anne has been remodeling and reorganizing the library in a big way.  I wanted to contribute in a way I know how—painting a mural!  I still have to add a book title and a fun library quote over the top but it is essentially finished.  I took a combination of clipart I found and then drew a mural with the different animals.  I drew it on the wall and started painting away.  Mike and Anne helped a lot as well, it’s a result of everyone’s efforts.  I may be partial but I think it adds a little life and fun to the library.  I also painted a little mouse reading in one of the corners that will be posted shortly I’m sure. 

IMG_1255 - lm finished animals2 IMG_1249 - library mural ms IMG_1253 - lm sara smiles


  1. sara - your artistic skills are astounding, i am assuming you did this freehand. we projected a tree onto our wall in our nursery, i guess that would be considered cheating

  2. this is incredible! great job, everyone! sara, it reminds me a lot of the darling stool you painted for sophi and lucy (they sit on it every day while playing with their dollhouse!). love to you all!

  3. thanks, I had help from Mike and Anne...yea, no projector here. I looked up images and then drew them all together. I had a blast doing it.
