The name alone convinced us to go and check out this park. Saras Baug is on the southside of

Pune and is a giant city park. Luckily enough the name held true, it was a beautiful, fun, clean park J. The actual park was packed with people, lots of families relaxing on the grounds. There were boys walking around selling colorful balls, roasted peanuts, cotton candy, and ear cleanings (that we decided was the worst option). The peanuts were wrapped in paper and were only 5 Rs. They were absolutely delicious and hit the spot. We all relaxed and enjoyed reading on the grass. It was a great way to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon, but it got even better.

Next to the park was another park called Peshwe Energy Park which was a park with a long walkway through it that had little cabins set up throughout the walk. Each cabin had a different display of renewable energy; solar, wind, water and bio-mass. It almost seemed like we were on a field trip, thankfully Sara didn’t have us take notes and write a report…There were trees full of bats that soared around the park. Probably the biggest bats we’ve ever seen. There was a little pond that we all sat next to and wrote letters, read, and relaxed.

On the other side of Saras Baug we stumbled upon what looked like a mini carnival. It was just one street length long with outdoor restaurants on one side and carnival rides on the other. Most of the carnival rides weren’t motor-driven, they just had a person that would spin them around. The best one was the ferris wheel because there were two people that were climbing up into it and using their weight to spin it around. Sometimes they would swing off the edge near the end. Probably the highlight for us was the chance to try some corn roasted on coals spread with lime, salt and

chili powder, all for only 10 Rs.! It was the best corn we have ever eaten and which we will probably fail in emulating back in the states…
Later that night we met up with Deep Griha volunteers at a “beer garden.” This beer garden just meant tables outside and that they sold Kingfisher (the bad beer that is sold here). Not exactly what we were looking for. Sara was still feeling a bit sick so we ended up not staying long, but it’s fun talking and getting to know other volunteers. A lot of them are from the UK and have excellent accents. Ours seems tame compared to theirs!
joel loved the ferris wheel in mussourie and it was just like this one!